Participating Congregations

Mt. Zion Baptist Church ❁

Mt. Zion Baptist Church ❁

Mt. Zion Baptist Church

Springfield, MA

In late 1976, a small group of Christians, mostly from Faith Baptist Church in Springfield, MA stepped out on faith to start a new church.  On February 6, 1977, this group of 42+ members was officially set aside as Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Greater Springfield.

Officially established in 1977, Mt. Zion Baptist Church has been worshiping in and serving the community of Greater Springfield for generations. They believe God calls them together as a wonderful fellowship of people to a place of healing, help, and hope. As a result, they are fully committed to demonstrating the love of Christ and serving the community.

First Baptist Church ❁

First Baptist Church ❁

First Baptist Church

Milford, CT

First Baptist Church, Milford, seeks “to not only have Church, but be the Church." Founded in 1893 by a group of African American Christians looking for a place in Milford to worship, they exist today to edify their members and others they encounter in all aspects of life to include spiritual growth, Bible knowledge, prayer, and one’s Christian walk. They hope to always be a haven of peace, respite, and fellowship to all who encounter their ministry.

The Place ❁

The Place ❁

The Place

Hartford, CT

The Place is built on three simple principles: come as you are, find community, and experience God’s presence. They encourage people to come as they are for the purpose of building community through authentic public worship experiences. They have a special interest in serving those who may have felt disconnected from or hurt by the church, but desire to have a relationship with God. By teaching and growing together, they serve those who have traditionally felt disenfranchised and are looking for God.